Rejoice always, pray continually, give thinks in everything.
I'm Will Pierce, a disciple of Jesus Christ. That doesn't mean I'm perfect. In fact, the reason I'm a follower of Jesus is because I am not perfect. Thankfully God saved me from my sins in 1994, and now I am a part of God's family. Because of Jesus' death on the cross, my sins are no longer counted against me, for Jesus paid the price for them.
In 1998, my senior year of High School, I felt a very clear call to ministry service. I had been serving as a volunteer in many ministry areas up to that point. Fast forward to the summer of 1999, and I was asked to fill in as the interim youth minister at the church I attended and where I was baptized. I continued serving as a youth minister throughout college, then at a church in Louisville while I was in seminary. Upon graduation I was a youth pastor in Georgia and Tennessee.
In 2009, I accepted a call to the pastorate of a church in central Kentucky where I served for three years. Since 2012 I have served God's Kingdom through a church in southern Maine.
I have been married since 2007 and have two girls, ages 14 and 12. I enjoy reading and am an aspiring amateur meteorologist. I also have a Fitbit to remind me how inactive I am at times. Sometimes it motivates me to get moving, so I hit up the local YMCA for some cardio.
I earned a Master of Divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2006 and a Master of Theology from the same institution in 2016. I'm a Certificated Church Consultant and I am always looking for ways to assist other churches in Maine.
I plan to write here on my blog sparingly. I would enjoy the opportunity to connect with anyone that stumbles across this website so that I can hear of God's work in your life and ministry.